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CAPCOM design WORKS art book - Front Cover

CAPCOM design WORKS is an art book featuring various Capcom titles, published by Famitsu in 2001. The book features artwork from the Resident Evil 2 prototype with commentary by Isao Oishi.


The book's contents primarily feature artwork from Street Fighter, along with a collection of artwork from other titles such as the Resident Evil series. However, the relevant content in regards to the 2 prototype is limited to 4 pages.

Chapter 01 - Biohazard 2 (Initial Version Artwork) (p.27-30)[]

CAPCOM design WORKS art book - Chapter 01 - bio hazard-series - Page 27

Biohazard 2 (Initial Version Artwork)
Artist: Isao Oishi
Size: A4 (8.27in × 11.7in)
Medium: Copy paper, Copic markers.

Designer's commentary: "When I created Leon, I had an Italian American with a pet bloodhound in mind. The characters in the bottom illustration have really weird expressions. I'd like to redraw them."

CAPCOM design WORKS art book - Chapter 01 - bio hazard-series - Page 28

Biohazard 2 (Initial Version Artwork)
Artist: Isao Oishi
Size: A4 (8.27in × 11.7in)
Medium: Copy paper, Copic markers.

Designer's commentary: "I honestly can't remember why I made these, but I vaguely recall hiding out in the conference room to draw them. I colored them using Copics."

CAPCOM design WORKS art book - Chapter 01 - bio hazard-series - Page 29

Biohazard 2 (Initial Version Artwork)
Artist: Isao Oishi
Size: A4 (8.27in × 11.7in)
Medium: Copy paper, Copic markers.

Designer's commentary: "Here's Claire's design back when she wore a racing suit. I really miss it. Personally, this was my favorite of her designs."

CAPCOM design WORKS art book - Chapter 01 - bio hazard-series - Page 30

Biohazard 2 (Initial Version Artwork)
Artist: Isao Oishi
Size: A4 (8.27in × 11.7in)
Medium: Copy paper, Copic markers.

Designer's commentary: "The character comparison chart is at the top. Back then, Claire was still named Elza and William was established as a 'good guy'. I referenced Jodie Foster in my drawings of Annette."

バイオハザード2 初期設定画

Designer's comment: レオンは僕のなかではイタリア系移民のアメリカ人で飼っている犬はブラッドハウンドという設定でした。下のイラストの人物の顔が変ですね。描き直したいです。

バイオハザード2 初期設定画

Designer's comment: 何のためにこのイラストを描いてたかはすっかり忘れてしまいましたが、会議室にこもって描いていたような記憶が。色はコピックで塗ってました。

バイオハザード2 初期設定画

Designer's comment: まだクレアがレーシングスーツを着ているデザインのときのものですね。いやー懐かしい。個人的にはこちらのほうが好みでした。

バイオハザード2 初期設定画

Designer's comment: 上のものは人物対比表です。クレアはまだエルザという名前で、ウィリアムは「いい人」という設定の頃のものですね。アネットはジョディ・フォスターをモデルにして描いてました。
